
Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg

Keniastraße 12 - 47269 Duisburg (NW) - Deutschland
Zollabfertigung - Zollagentur
Über Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg

TODAY Gerlach is represented in 11 European countries at more than 70 locations.

In other European countries, Gerlach, as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Post DHL Group, benefits from an international partner network. A total of 1000 customs experts and consultants in 27 European countries are available to assist you with your customs matters. Beyond that you can make use of our global partnership network.

Get in touch with us!

  • Global icon for Gerlach in red (small)Global icon for Gerlach in light redLeading neutral provider of customs services in Europe
  • Global icon for Gerlach in red (small)Global icon for Gerlach in light redMore than 140 years of experience in customs services
  • Global icon for Gerlach in red (small)Global icon for Gerlach in light redLocally rooted - globally connected in more than 200 countries





Herr Mathias Ehlert

Sales & Marketing (Marketing Department)
Tel: +49 (0)203 - 34 85 99 - 544
Fax: +49 (0)203 - 34 85 99 - 549


Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg
Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg
Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg
Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg
Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg
Gerlach Zolldienste GmbH - Hauptsitz Deutschland - Duisburg



Switzerland: Stricter requirements for goods descriptions in customs clearance

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